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    I’ve always been interested in mathematics and science; I studied physics in college before turning to sculpture. Without consciously trying to do so, my work has become a blend of art, mathematics, and science. I like mathematical forms that occur in nature—logarithmic spirals, helices, crystal lattices, polyhedral. Artistically,

    I rely on my understanding of both natural and man made shapes and forms, yet bring my own aesthetic sense and chosen materials; the result is uniquely mine, but points to my inspirations.

    Wood, to me, is a plastic medium. Many artists use wood for carving or construction; the evolution of my work is based on an exploration of the ways in which wood can be pushed, pulled, bent, twisted, compressed, stretched, and punctured. The forms I create are generated in part by the ways in which the material pushes back and resists. Most people think of wood as stuff that trees make; I think of wood as what trees are, and use the same properties that keep trees standing in wind and snow to build my sculptures.

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